I have not left my house for 3 days...
I wake up way pass noon, watch tv, eat, tv, computer, tv, eat, computer, tv, eat, sleep at 4am or so.
I slept at 4 something last night cause I was busy reading Nicholas Spark's Safe Haven online. Got to love the internet.
For some unknown reason, well, maybe it's because I haven't been out in sunlight for a couple of days, but my nose is acting up again. Argh. I am so bleh. I don't do anything besides watching tv or movies or checking facebook. Argh. Wish I could do something more useful with my time. Hmm. Blogging seemed like the best idea, besides, drinking tea. Which I have. Been. Doing. For. Many Days. Now. My mum taught me the art of brewing the perfect cup of tea, the one you get at coffee shops, or even better. Still haven't mastered it completely but I'm getting there.
I've considered going back and reading my notes. To see if my answers in the exam, matched the ones in my notes. Hmm.. I felt kind of unprepared for my third paper. I felt confident on my first paper which was a MCQ and I got an A- if I'm not mistaken. I mean, judging by the number of mistakes I made. The second paper consisted of 24 SAQS and 60 MCQs. That one was alright, I guess. There was one whole page about water and sewage treatment which I, thankfully, had read up on last minute so I could do that. But I completely left out on my genetics and most of my comm med. Which, sadly, came out as well.
I should have really read up on genetics and comm med more detailedly. I absolutely detest genetics because I just don't get anything the notes says. I remember one question was, define recombinant DNA. The subsequent question was 'define recombinant DNA technology'. Haha it's almost funny now to imagine the look at my face or anyone else whom never touched that part of the notes whatsoever. I guess I felt alright about that paper because I could still come up with a lot of bullshit. I think I left two questions blank, basically because I run out of creative yet logical answers. There was another question asking about the services provided by primary healthcare system in Malaysia which completely left me dumbfounded. I made up some nonsense just to fill in the empty spaces and moved on.
Now, the third paper was the one that really killed me. It was the paper that really made me stand back and think, "Wow, gee I could really blow this." What's so special about the third paper is that, instead of sitting down for 2 hours cordially scribbling answers on a desk, we have stations. More specifically, we have 24 stations which contain graphs, pictures, tables, diagrams etc.
My first station was not that great but alright as well. There was a picture of a blastocyst and arrows pointing at the inner and outer layer of it, and at the cavity inside. I had to name them, and I was kicking myself because I drew the small picture a few weeks ago and stuck it in my handy dandy notebook which never parted from me. I remembered vaguely the names and scribbled down what I could.
In 5 minutes, a buzzer ran and everyone had to stand up and move to the subsequent station which was only like one feet away. One of the things to know about me is, I do not work well under pressure. Add a 5 minute timer to the recipe, and I'm bound to burn whatever it is I'm suppose to make. I learnt this a long time ago, like when I was in Form 3 and in some sewing class. For the life of me, I couldn't get the stitches right and my teacher came over and yelled into my face, shouting obscenities (alright they weren't exactly obscenities but she was really angry and scary.. and evil.. and.. mean.. and no one liked her.. yeah..)
Instead of the light bulb switching on or whatever like in the movies, my brain kind of just shut down and my mind was a blank. I stopped working, stopped moving, maybe even stopped breathing for that few seconds that followed. I don't know how some people excel under pressure but I'm most certainly not of the same breed. All things considered, I'm the exact opposite actually.
Where was I? Oh yeah. The third paper was horrible and I came out really sad and a little depressed. After discussing the ordeal with my friends, I realized I made even the simplest of mistakes in the questions that I should have scored. That was as painful as stubbing my toes. For instance, (and I really can't emphasize how stupid this was) there was a picture of several viruses under the microscope and we were suppose to name them. Instead of the obvious answer which was rabies virus, I wrote down the family virus name of rabies which is rhabdovirius. Completely idiotic of me. I didn't bother rechecking cause I've seen that picture a thousand times and rabies is one of those special and distinctive viruses that with one glance at the microscopic picture, you'll know it was rabies.
Yet, the oh so brilliant one got it wrong. Fool. I'm annoyed. TV time. Bleh.
P.S. on a totally unrelated topic whatsoever, this made me laugh.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Exams are a pain
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