The parts after 3.47 are really encouraging, to me at least.
I felt that it was so empowering and so real and so related to our daily life,
be it the temptations, the bad habits, the sinful natures we all have inside.
I find it strange and a little coincidental that I've been getting spiritual cues on a daily basis, from every direction and every possible source recently.
Is it You, God?
I feel so blessed,
because I feel like I'm constantly being reminded about how great You are and about Your Word.
It's been.. whaat.. day 2 of my Bible reading sessions.
Which again is something sort of a miracle for me, since I could never pick up a Bible before.
I always found it boring and non-relatable..
it was just all words to me.. like how those stock market columns in newspapers are.
But recently, I've begun to really read the verses, like really.
It's like a lamp that's been suddenly turned on, and what's stranger?
I actually find myself enjoying my Bible reading sessions. :)
Dear God,
I just hope that if You want me to do something for You,
please leave me with clear instructions cause I'm kinda blur :P
But I promise to try not to doubt whatever You send my way.
Also, I hope he was sent by You.
I love this!!!! I would really like it if there were some instruction so my Jesus Freaks club could do it for my school's talent show. If possible please do that.