Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 6 pick up sticks

1) My family. 
I can't imagine people with no families or close relations. 
If they just died suddenly, no one would even miss them. 
No matter how close your friends are to you, your family won't let you down. 
Blood will always be thicker than water. 
Family is what you come home to.

2) The wonderful people in my life that i can call 'friends'. 
The ones that always know how to make me smile and laugh hysterically. 
The ones that I can share and just open with. 
The ones that I can cry with. 
I've been very blessed, in the sense, I've found some friends who have proven to stay through thick and thin, some who have really helped when the situation called for it,
 without question ,without judgement. 
And that's exactly what a friend is. 
I know of a few who will get out of bed and come to my aid in the middle of the night
these are the people that I would do exactly the same for. :')

3) My iphone. 
As materialistic as that sounds, yeah.. 
I freak out like crazy whenever my iphone goes nuts on me. literally. o.o
 like it's not even funny how stressed out I get, worried about my precious phone.
 lol it's not healthy but it's true.

4) God, church and my LG I guess. 
I honestly don't know where I would be today if God was not a part of my life's equation. 
Where I'll be, my state of mind, or sanity for that matter. 
My church, in eaglepoint puchong, the place I go to unwind after a week of life and stress and worries. I love listening to the sermons cause they're always really entertaining and I've never been bored by them.
 Surprisingly, I find myself looking forward to them and I go away learning something about God's Word. I noticed, if I haven't gone to church in a while like a couple of weeks like if I went back home or something, I tend to feel really sad and depressed. 
Kinda weird but true. 
My LG, where I laugh and joke and share with my wonderful IMU juniors and seniors. 
Always feels great after our LG sessions :) 

5) FOOD! 
One of the things that usually is running through my mind is 'what to eat later?'
 Haha I always bug my friends and ask them what I should eat for whatever meal of the day cause I'm always SO indecisive.
 And I feel sad when I eat something really gross and not worth the calories :P

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