Sunday, March 20, 2011

vote for me? :)

hey so I'm running for SRC President of IMU. SRC stands for Student Representative Council which is basically the student government. Competition is pretty fierce this year as there are 3 other candidates for the President post. Last year's election definitely pales in comparison, since every post had only one candidate except for the VP of Medicine, which had two or three. 

I won't go into detail about why I'm running now cause I really need to catch up on my studying. But my next post will be about it, for sure. :)

So, yes! It's going to be exciting, tiring, nerve-wrecking, headache-causing couple of weeks. Campaigning starts on Monday but I'll be flying back to my hometown till Friday. So that leaves me with only ONE week to campaign and convince the different batches to vote for me. And on Friday, I have a ton of stuff to do, including being intensely interviewed by the current SRC council members and then, somehow I have to find a way to get to church for an equally important meeting at 8pm. So flying back to KL at 3pm, going to be drilled by intimidating experts at 6pm, and church meeting at 8pm. Hmm

Piece of cake. Right? 

:) Hope everyone's having a great day.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

sick :(

Blocked nose, throat so sore that it hurts to swallow, watery eyes
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh baaad night
oh man

on a side note, summative is over :D
and met a couple of pretty fun juniors in church on saturday.
 hmm :)
will have a decent post up soon, too sick to do anything now