Friday, July 29, 2011

dustmites be gone!

oh wow i have left this blog to the dustmites for too long.
hello! to whoever may be interested in my life.. unlikely any but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say there's still one reader or two.. whose's still.. ahhh who am i kidding? :)

oh well, less readers (or none at all) just means i don't have to worry so much about what i post :) yayy

quick update:

1.  i finished my semester 3 examinations in IMU. 

freaking hardcore. argh I did so bad for my OSCE on the first day that I was so bummed.  I just knew i failed it, but thank the Lordie, I did well for my second day so it balanced out. OSPE can kiss my butt, it was so hard. the first few stations I had, I was thinking, " okay this is good. not bad not bad. good rhythm, good momentum, okay let's keep this going" then I hit the twelve station, and everything started going downhill. There were a few stations where I literally just looked around and say 'Am I in the wrong exam hall? I've never seen this before. Have we even covered this in our lectures?"

Aahh but thank the Lordie, I passed. I was so frightened. Ahh thank the Lordie.

2. flew to UK. 

with a peaceful mind and lived there for 2 weeks. It was a good trip, my first in UK so that was fun. Took tons of photos which I have yet to steal from diana's laptop. Will do it soon. 

3.  Had a near death experience.

4. Met someone on the plane back from Stansted to KL. 13 hours. oh Lordie

5. Bought more clothes and shoes than I ever had in my entire life. No joke.

Anyway, this is just an update to wipe the dust of my blog. :)

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