Hey. A cat lover?
Want to own one?
Here you go, this one's having a tough time finding a home.
With good reason, no doubt. lol funniest thing I've ever seen
So the story goes, there's a specific white cat living in Southampton at the moment and sadly looking for a warm home to take him in. However, Charlie just seems to be really unlucky I guess when it comes to finding the perfect cat lover. Well, if it looked like this, who could blame anyone?
I give you, the feline version of the greatly feared Lord Voldemort.
(from Harry Potter, for people who don't read).

You have to admit, the resemblance is pretty uncanny.
I get goosebumps, just staring at it long enough.
It makes Lord Voldemort look waaaay less scary.
Oh yeah. Apparently, Charlie had some infection or something that caused doctors to remove his ears, hence, the creepy He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named appearance. Definitely in the freaky category.
Poor cat tho. But I'm a dog person either way, so more power to Beethoven! (the awesomest St. Bernard ever) :)
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