Thursday, November 25, 2010

Stop Child Abuse

The term shouldn't even be placed together in a sentence. It's just wrong.

Whenever I think of the term 'child abuse', I think back to all the sexual child abuse cases I've heard of in the past, like the case of Sharlinie Mohd. I still recall the time I heard her name being repeated over the radio while on the way to school. I also remember her picture being circulated online in news forums and in social networks like Facebook and blogs. I was one of the countless Malaysians that prayed for her safe return to her family. I was also one of the countless Malaysians that were heartbroken when they finally found her.
I can't imagine what that poor girl had to go through but at least, it's over.

The ultimate act I would never want to see again in child abuse is simple, which is that every child is safe from the hands of sexual predators.  It sickens me whenever I read or hear of stories where fathers, uncles, grandfathers or strangers have been molesting or raping their child for months or years. This child - someone who has been entrusted upon them to care for and look after- is forced to go through life with the scars of her traumatic experience. That is, if she even gets to live that long.

Secondly, I would hope that no child is ever physically abused again. There's this article which is based in Klang, in 2007, about a father who kicked his two year old son to death. For whatever the reason, expressing your anger or emotions on your child is NEVER the answer.

How is it possible you get relief from hurting your own flesh and blood? Usually, it's the other way around isn't it? I mean, I'm sure anyone would hunt down whoever that dared to lay a finger on their family. So why is it, this man not only killed his son, but THREW his body in a ditch and threatened his family members if they dared tell anyone about it?
It makes me think that people like this, either have mental issues or had the same traumatic experience growing up.

I strongly believe that when someone is blessed with the gift of caring for another human being, namely a child, they should cherish it fully. There are countless of people who would want to have a child but can't. I've been feeling very maternal for the past year months, and I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to hurt something as precious and pure and innocent, as a child.

This post was inspired by nuffnang and I hope a lot of people get on board with their 'Get On Board' campaign. It's about time people start doing something.
