2) i hate it when people ask 'how are you?' because you get the feeling sometimes they don't really care. much like a bartender might ask a customer 'how's it going?'. they don't really care, they're just trying to make small talk. i don't like it.
3) i like to think i'm quite of a private person, so when i tell you something personal, i expect you to keep it that way.
4) i'm always very touched whenever a guy does something gentlemen-ly like offering to walk me to my car, to carry my stuff, to pick me up etc. i'm not used to it but i really enjoy it. you'll def get bonus points in my book.
5) i feel shy and introverted in front of strangers, if i'm alone but outspoken and friendly if i'm with a group of my friends
7) despite being a Christian for so long, i've still never felt 'that moment' or 'that connection' with God. maybe i have, but i've never felt like God was really replying my prayers. i desperately want to have that connection, to be able to call God a friend, instead of someone you have to look to in a religion.
8) i can be sad, but when i'm with friends, i tend to completely forget about my troubles and worries, then i feel guilt afterwards. i hate that.
9) i would love to study or live in the states or uk. i always liked the idea of having Caucasian friends.
10) i'm very very touched when someone goes out of their way for me. bonus bonus points.
11) if you do something really horrible to me once, there's still a chance i'll forgive you, even if it takes me a long time to.
since it started flowing, i figured why not.
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